azam 1: butter prawn

for those yang dah sedia maklum, mesti tidak akan terkujat kenapa tetiba blog ina ni ada pulak resepi2 sedangkan sebelum ni asyik cite psal aisy, psal tudung, psal salun..tapi kalau siapa yang nak tahu punca semua ni, sila terjah entry ina tentang AZAM  MEMASAK

ni juadah berbuka puasa pertama, butter prawn. tapi rupa tak segak sangat..tak pandai nak kirai telur tu macam kat kedai..and ina buat basah2 sebab huby ina tak minat lauk kering.

source: internet

Resepi Butter Prawn

250 large prawn
(Marinade with salt and pepper and oil for deep frying, deep fry prawn until just cooked and drain, put aside)

3 tbsp butter
3 egg yolk, lightly beaten
(Heat oil. Pour down the beaten egg yolk from a certain height. Use the back of a big laddle to swirl the egg yolk mixture around briskly (this is to form fine strands). Put aside.
2 stalks curry leaves, use the leaves only
3 tbsp quaker oats
10 cili padi and slice thinly
2 tbsp condensed milk
2 tbsp evaporated milk

chicken stock
sugar pepper

(Heat 3 tbsp oil and butter), fry curry leaves and 1 tbsp oats. Put in chili padi and seasoning. Add in prawns, evaporated and condensed milk. Fry briskly and toss all the ingredients well. Add the rest of oats and fry untl crispy. Add in egg yolk strands and stirly fry until well mixed.

ini antara resepi butter prawn terbaik yang pernah ina buat..sebelum ni ada juga tapi tak rasa macam kat kedai..nuzul, sila buat! ihihi


A.I.N said...

almk, dpt warning lah.. umah aku kekurangan bhn2, jd mcm xleh buat je. waaaaaaaa... aku tgh lapaq nih

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