7 perkara JGN DIBUAT lepas makan

Don't act dis 7 actions below after u have meal:

  1. Don't smoke - experiment fr experts prove dat smoking a cig after meal is comparible to 10 cig lead to higher chance of getting cancer
  2. Don't eat fruit immediately - will cause stomach to be bloated with air so take fruit after 1-2 hr after or 1 hr b4 meal
  3. Don't drink tea - bcoz tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein in our food we consumed to be hardened thus difficult to digest (so mummy rasa akan senang le gemukkk!!)
  4. Don't loosen ur belt - will easily cause intestine to twisted n blocked
  5. Don't bathe - will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the blood amount around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach
  6. Don't walk about - will cause the disgestive system to be unable to absord nutrient from the food we intake
  7. Don't sleep immediately - bcoz the food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection to our intestine.

mummy repeat again:

  1. jgn isap rokok - lepas makan kalu isap 1 rokok = 10 rokok, so peluang utk dpt cancer lagiiii tinggi
  2. jgn terus makan buah lepas makan - nnt perut penuh dgn angin
  3. jgn terus minum teh lepas makan - sebab daun teh tu berasid, nnt protein dlm makanan yg dimakan akan mengeras then susah le nak dihadam
  4. jgn longgarkan tali pinggang sejurus lepas makan - nnt usus senang terbelit dan akan tersekat
  5. jgn mandi - sbb akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke badan,kaki dan tangan so darah dlm perut mengurang..kesannya sistem penghadam jadi semakin lemah
  6. jgn terus berjalan - nnt sistem penghadaman tak leh nak serap nutrien dlm makanan
  7. jgn terus tidoq - sbb sistem penghadaman tak leh wat keja ngan baik so kita akan dapat gastrik dan jangkitan dlm usus

artikel ni dari: http://funlok.com


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